Full Podcast Archive, Philosophy, Psychology, Science
EP20: Are Humans Actually Irrational? (On Thaler and Sunstein’s Libertarian Paternalism) Feat. Gordon Katic
Listen nowIn this episode, we ask, how irrational are human beings really? To answer this, we read Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein’s classic essay on “libertarian paternalism” which argues that because human beings are easily manipulated by their surrounding “choice architecture”, governments should use this mechanism to encourage citizens to make better choices.
Ethics, Full Podcast Archive, Philosophy, Psychology
EP19: Is Monogamy Morally Permissible (On Harry Chalmers’ Argument Against Monogamy)
Listen nowIn this episode, we examine Harry Chalmers’ provocative take: monogamy is morally suspect. Why should we treat restricting romantic partners any differently than restricting friendships? Since restricting our partner’s friends would seem pathological, so too, restricting sexual and romantic partners.
Full Podcast Archive, Psychoanalysis, Psychology
EP5: Is Whiteness Parasitic? (On Donald Moss’ “On Having Whiteness”)
Listen nowWhen psychoanalyst Donald Moss published his essay “On Having Whiteness” in 2021, it caused the right-wing media outrage machine to move into high gear. On our reading, they seemed to only react to what was in the abstract. We read the article.